Coffee House Poems

Ghost Town


I live in a ghost town, ghost town, ghost town, ghost town.


On the empty streets of my downtown, phantoms peer through

boarded up second story windows, witnessing the decay and the

passing of a better day.


On the waterfront, burnt remnants of piers line the shore from

a long ago fire telling of a once thriving town, never replaced.

A loss never really faced.


The wraiths of sailors and passengers on ships drowned

at the bar also walk this town. Unlucky fate and bad decisions

by greedy men's ambitions.


Alonso Tucker and Timothy Pettis murdered by angry men,

still haunt this lonely town. Long forgotten, but still here,

seeking justice, never near.


And now a dead “hero” adorns a downtown wall.

A young man killed in his prime. His quotes on sidewalk brass.

He ran in circles until his crash.


A perfect “hero” for this

ghost town, ghost town, ghost town, ghost town.

ghost town, ghost town, ghost town, ghost town



Note: Alonso Tucker has the distinction of being the only black man lynched in Oregon.

He was chased down by a mob of coal miners on September 18, 1902. He allegedly

assaulted a white woman, but he never went to trial.

The mob was lauded by the press.


Timothy Pettis was a black janitor and war veteran who walked into the wrong cafe on

July 6, 1924. His castrated body was found floating in Coos Bay a week later. The top

local law enforcement officials decided to take a vacation. It was widely believed to be

the work of the KKK which was quite active in the area at the time.

The murder was never solved.